
Our Services - CRM & Customer Loyalty

Smart Strategy
As a specialist for the acquisition of new customers and the development of customer relations, we provide your company with comprehensive advice. We design a CRM strategy for optimal customer relationship management.hen-Erfahrung in der Strategie-Entwicklung für beste Kundenbeziehungen – vom Kundenclub bis zu mehrstufigen und kanalübergreifenden Dialogprogrammen. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Kunden besser erreichen, direkter ansprechen und Ihren Kundenwert steigern.
Consulting & Conception
- Strategy Workshop
- CRM Screening of Measures for Stocktaking
- Requirement Definition
- Development of a CRM Strategy: (Customer) Data I Systems I Contact Channels I Campaigns
- Target Group / Market / Branch Analyses

Smart Data
We create the process-related and software-technical prerequisites for a data-based CRM and support your company in developing »Customer Insights«.
The basis of a successful CRM is valid and usable data. We advise you step by step on the way there and develop the data strategy and analysis together with you.
Data Management
- Data Workshop for Stocktaking
- Requirement Concepts
- Development of a Data Strategy: (Customer) Data I Processes I Systems I Rules
- Consulting and Takeover of Data Management Processes: Acquisition I Validation I Enrichment
- DSGVO-compliant Lead and Data Processes
Data Analysis
- Creation of Analysis Concepts, Rules and Regulations, Data Contracts
- Operation and Execution of Analyses, including Customer Journey Analysis, Sales Funnel Analysis, Web Analysis

Smart Campaign
Benefit from our experience in planning, controlling and handling cross-channel campaigns for your customer relationship management! With us you get conception, planning, creation and implementation of your CRM campaigns from one source.
Development and Operation of Customer Clubs and Dialogue Programs
- Participant and Partner Management
- Campaign Execution
- Development and Operation of the technical Infrastructure
- Reporting
Control, Production and Processing of Campaigns
- E-mail Campaigns
- Online Campaigns & Online Advertisements
- Social Media Campaigns
- Print Campaigns
Customer Management
- Campaigns to optimize your Customer Management
- Tools and Software to automate your Customer Management

Smart Technology
We use state-of-the-art technologies and software solutions along the customer journey to optimally support integrated and automated data and communication and campaign processes for data-supported CRM.
Technology & Tools
- Creation of a Catalog of Requirements
- Evaluation CRM Tools & Software
- Setting up Systems and Tools
- Operation and Management of Loyalty and Dialogue Programs
Software Tools for measuring Customer Feedback
- 2HM Fanscan
Our Products - CRM & Customer Loyalty
Loyalty Programs
- (Online) Customer Clubs
- Bonus and Loyalty Programs
- Customer Card
- Subscription & Membership Models
- Referral Programs
- Customer Magazines
Digital Marketing
- Google Ads
- Google MyBusiness
- Google Shopping
- Social Media Ads
- Search Engine Optimization
- E-Mailing Campaigns
- Newsletter
- Mailings along the Customer Journey
- Marketing-Automation
Print Advertising Material
- Postal Mailings
- Catalogs & Magazines
- Supplements
- Classical Advertisements
with Response Elements
Web Portals
- Online Customer Clubs
- Onlineshops
- Marketing Websites
- Landingpages
Dialog Programs
- Multi-level channel-specific Dialog Programs
- Omni-Channel Dialog Programs
- Customer Lifecycle Dialog Programs
Conversational Marketing
- Chatbots (AI-supported)
- Voicebots
- Apps
Customer Feedback
- Customer Feedback / FanScan / Fan Principle
- Telephone Surveys
- Online Surveys
Four Steps to Success - With our CRM Screening & Radar
Next Level for your customer management
We put your CRM to the test. We examine structures and processes and actively manage changes,
recognize opportunities and derive recommendations for action. The result is a detailed understanding of your current customer management
as well as concrete measures for the consistent development of outstanding customer dialogues and customer relations.
Step 1:
CRM Screening
Systematic Inventory and Analysis of your existing CRM Measures
Step 2:
Scoring of Measures
Scoring of your CRM Measures using operational and strategic Success Drivers
Step 3:
Radar Analysis
Evaluation of the CRM Screening and Identification of the Gaps in your current CRM Strategy
Step 4:
Result Report
Overview of optimization Opportunities and concrete Recommendations for Action